Hankook Tire Privacy Policy | Hankook Tire Global site go to main prd

Privacy Policy

Article 1: General Provisions

1) Hankook Tire Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company", also refers to the Company's Internet site which is www.hankooktire.com) recognizes the importance of protecting your privacy, and abides by stipulations regarding privacy under the "The Act on Promotion of Information & Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc." and the Privacy Guideline established by the Ministry of Information and Communication. The Company provides information on the purpose of collecting and using personal information and measures taken to protect your privacy through its Privacy Policy.
2) The Privacy Policy can be easily accessed via the main page of the Company's website (www.hankooktire.com). The Company also obtains a separate consent from members upon their registration.
3) The Company has set up procedures necessary to revise the Privacy Policy for its continued improvement. In the event of a revision to the Privacy Policy, steps are taken to ensure that you can easily recognize the revision.

Article 2: Scope of Collection of Personal Information

1) "Personal information" refers to information about a living person that identifies the individual based on his/her name and identification number, including symbols, text, voice data, sound and images (includes information which alone is not sufficient but when combined with other information can identify an individual).
2) The Company only collects information listed in Article 2-3 of the Privacy Policy which is the minimum information required to provide services, and the information is collected through fair and appropriate means. The Company shall not refuse to provide basic services even if you choose not to provide optional information.
3) List of information collected upon member registration Mandatory items: name, identification number, preferred user ID, user password, e-mail address, mobile phone number, phone number, address, whether you choose to receive e-mail service, whether you choose to receive SMS service, occupation, employer, title, car ownership Optional items: fax number, employer (company name), occupation, title
4) The Company does not collect personal information which poses an obvious risk of infringing upon your basic rights (race and ethnicity, ideology and beliefs, hometown and legal domicile, political inclination and criminal record, health conditions such as medical history, sex life, etc.). However, exceptions are made when the personal information to be collected is stipulated under laws or is directly related to and thus required to provide services, in which case your consent will be required.

Article 3: Consent to Collection of Personal Information

1) The Company provides a process through which you may click on the "Accept" or "Cancel" buttons related to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service upon member registration. If you click on "Accept," you will be regarded as having consented to collection of personal information.

Article 4: Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

1) The Company collects your personal information for the following purposes: Name, identification number: To identify adult users of services and to check whether you are an offline member, Address, phone number, e-mail address: To secure a communication channel for providing information on services/new products or events, conveying notices, verifying your decisions, handling complaints, etc. Identification number, address: Demographic analysis (statistical analysis of service users by age, gender, region, etc.), Optional items: Reference for individual services and special services (tire consulting, leaders club, etc.).
2) In order to provide you with diverse and high quality services, the Company may integrate and use/manage your personal information and data related to service usage with member information from mail order business and e-commerce that the Company is currently engaged in or will engage in in the future, including information gained via the "www.hankooktire.com" website, related websites through which you may receive services by using the single integrated member account (user ID and password) operated by the Company and offline customer data.

Article 5: Collection of Personal Information Through Cookies

1) Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognises that cookie. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognise a user’s device.
Cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, and generally improving the user experience. They can also help to ensure that adverts you see online are more relevant to you and your interests. For further information on cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org/.
2) The sites use cookies. You can find out more about cookies and how to control them below. By using the sites, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with this cookie policy. If you do not accept the use of these cookies, please disable them following the instructions in this cookie policy.
The sites use the following cookies:
Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website. These cookies do not gather information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you have been on the internet. This category of cookies cannot be disabled.
Analytical cookies. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. These cookies do not collect information that can identify you. All the information that these cookies collect is anonymous and is only used to improve how the website works.
Our website uses Google Analytics cookies. Information collected by Google Analytics cookies will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United states of America in accordance with its privacy practices. To see and overview of privacy at Google and how this applies to Google Analytics, visit https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/. You may opt out of tracking by Google Analytics by visiting https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl+en-GB.

You can find more information about the individual cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them in the table below:

Cookie Type Cookie Name Source Purpose
Strictly necessary JSESSIONID Hankook Maintains session
Analytical _gaD Google Analytics Used to distinguish users by Google Analytics
_dc_gtm Used to help identify the visitors by either age, gender, or interests by DoubleClick - Google Tag Manager
_gat Used to throttle request rate

3) You may disable cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to disable all cookies (including strictly necessary cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of the Sites. Disabling a cookie or category of cookie does not delete the cookie from your browser. You will need to do this separately within your browser. If you would like to make changes to your cookie settings, please go to the 'Options' or 'Preferences' menu of your browser. Alternatively, go to the 'Help' option in your browser for more details.

To learn more about the cookie settings for your browser, please select the links below:
Internet Explorer

If you have disabled one or more analytical cookies, we may still use information collected from cookies prior to your disabled preference being set, however, we will stop using the disabled cookie to collect any further information. Except for strictly necessary cookies, all cookies will expire after two years.

I agree to the use of cookies and tracking mechanisms which are used to analyse my activity on this website in order to improve my user experience.

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Article 6: Usage outside the Stated Purpose and Third Party Access

1) The Company uses your personal information within the scope stipulated in Article 4 [Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information] of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service. Usage does not go beyond the said scope and personal information is not provided to other persons, companies or organizations.
2) To facilitate work activities, the Company may contract the services of an outside party to handle your personal information, in which case, a detailed notice will be given in advance via e-mail, phone, in writing, or the homepage regarding the name of the handling company, the scope of information handled, the purpose of contracting the outside company, the handling process, and the contract period. For further information, please refer to Article 12 of the Privacy Policy.
3) In the event where the Company transfers rights and responsibilities due to a business transfer or merger, the Company shall inform you of the reason, details regarding the successor and the succession process on the initial screen of the homepage at least 30 days in advance. The Company will also give individual notice at least once in writing, e-mail or by other means, and give you the option to consent or revoke the transfer of personal information; however, the Company may substitute with a notice appearing more than once on two or more central dailies if it is not aware of your contact details through no error on the part of the Company, natural disaster or other justified reason for not providing individual notice.
4) Notwithstanding the stipulations in Article 6-1 and Article 6-3, exceptions are made in the following cases: When the user has given prior consent to disclosure, When information is needed to calculate mileage in accordance with provision of services, When needed for statistics compilation/academic research or market survey, provided that the information is provided to a third party including research groups, survey/research organizations, partner companies and suppliers after being processed in a way that does not allow identification of an individual, When special regulations are set forth in laws including the Act on Real Name Financial Transactions and Guarantee of Secrecy, Use and Protection of Credit Information Act, Framework Act on Telecommunications, Telecommunications Business Act, Local Tax Act, Framework Act on Consumer, Bank of Korea Act, and Criminal Procedure Act.
5) Your personal information may be provided to or shared with business partners in order to offer better services, in which case you will be given prior individual notice via e-mail or other means regarding the name of the partner company, the list of personal information to be provided or shared, and the reason for doing so, in order to receive your consent. If you do not consent, the said information will not be provided to or shared with a partner company.

Article 7: Retrieval/Revision of Personal Information

1) You may retrieve or revise your personal information through the Company's Internet homepage. In the event that you request retrieval or revision of your personal information through a visit, in writing, by phone or by e-mail, the Company will promptly take the necessary steps after confirming your identity. However, if there is justified reason to refuse retrieval or revision, you will be promptly notified of the reason.
2) In the event that you request a correction to an error regarding your personal information, the Company shall not provide or use the information until the said correction is made.

Article 8: Withdrawal of Consent for Collection, Use and Provision of Personal Information

1) You may withdraw your consent for the collection, use and provision of personal information given upon member registration at any time. For withdrawal of consent (withdrawal of membership), you may call the customer center or send an e-mail to the personal information officer or webmaster, and the necessary steps including destruction of personal information and notification will be taken promptly after confirming your identity. However, if regulations are otherwise set forth in laws as stated in Article 9 of the Privacy Policy, the pertinent laws shall prevail.
2) The Company will take the necessary steps so that withdrawal of consent for personal information collection can be executed with greater ease compared to the methods for collecting personal information.

Article 9: Period for Storing and Using Personal Information

1) Your personal information will be destroyed upon withdrawal of membership, dismissal of membership, or completion of the purpose of collecting or receiving personal information as listed below. However, it will be retained for a specified period as stipulated by related laws when necessary for reasons such as to identify rights and responsibilities related to transactions, as listed below, in accordance with related laws such as the Commercial Code
Record on contract or subscription withdrawal: 5 years
Record on payment settlement and provision of goods: 5 years
Record on handling consumer complaint or conflict: 3 years

2) You may request retrieval of transaction information, etc. retained with your consent, and the company will promptly take the necessary steps for retrieval.

Article 10: Technical and Management Measures to Protect Personal Information

1) When handling your personal information, the Company takes the following technical measures to prevent the loss, theft, leak, alteration and damage of such information in order to maintain security: Your personal information is protected by your user ID and password, and important data are protected by separate security measures including encrypted file and data transmissions or the use of the file lock function. Vaccine programs are used to prevent damage caused by computer viruses, and such programs are updated regularly. In the event of a sudden virus outbreak, the related vaccine is provided as soon as it becomes available to prevent infringement of personal information. Code algorithms have been adopted to enable safe transmission of personal information over networks, firewalls have been installed to protect against hacking and outside intrusion, and intrusion blocking systems and weakness analysis systems are used in each server to maintain security.
2) When handling your personal information, the Company takes the following management measures in order to maintain security: Access to your personal information is authorized to a minimum number of personnel, who are as follows: Personnel carrying out marketing activities directly to the user Personnel carrying out activities related to personal information management including the personal information officer and personal information manager Other personnel who inevitably have to handle personal information in the course of carrying out their work activities Regular internal and external training is conducted for employees who handle personal information, with the said training pertaining to the acquisition of new security technology and on the responsibility for protection of personal information.
A security pledge is obtained from all employees when they join the Company to prevent information leaks caused by people, and internal procedures are in place to monitor the implementation of and employees' compliance with the Privacy Policy.
Handover of duties involving personnel who handle personal information is conducted thoroughly while maintaining security, and responsibility for incidents involving personal information after joining and leaving the Company are clearly set out.
Personal information and general data are sorted and stored through separate servers.
The computing room and data storage room are designated as special protection zones, and access to the said rooms is controlled.
If there is a loss, leak, alteration or damage of personal information due to the error of an internal manager or a technical or management incident, the Company will notify you immediately, take the appropriate steps and provide suitable compensation.

Article 11: Link Sites

1) The Company may provide you with links to websites and data of other companies. As the Company does not have any control over external sites and data, it does not bear any responsibility nor guarantees the utility of services or data provided thereof. If you move to the page of another site by clicking on links included in the Company, you are advised to review the privacy policy of the newly visited site, as the privacy policy of the said site has no relation to the Company.

Article 12: Contracting an Outside Party to Handle Personal Information

1) The Company may contract the services of an outside party to handle your personal information to enhance services, in which case it must provide advance notice on the contracted service, the contracted party, the relationship between the contracted party and the Company, and the scope of responsibility via a pop-up screen, etc. on the homepage.
2) When an outside party is contracted to handle personal information, the Company will set forth explicit regulations on adherence with personal information protection guidelines, maintaining confidentiality of personal information, prohibiting provision of the information to a third party, the contract period, and the obligation to restore or destroy personal information after the contract is terminated through a contract. The Company will require the contracted party to abide by the said regulations and will store the said contract in written or electronic format.

Article 13: Rights and Obligations of Users

1) Safeguarding your user ID and password is crucial to protecting your personal information. The primary responsibility in safeguarding the user ID and password lies with the user. Accordingly, take special caution when you are online. In particular, you are advised to log off after using services in a public place as a precaution against revealing your password.
2) The Company will do its utmost to protect your personal information, as stated in this Privacy Policy; however, the Company is not liable for incidents caused by your own error or basic risks of the Internet.
3) Along with the right for protection of your personal information, you have the obligation to protect yourself and not to infringe upon others' information. If you fail to fulfill the said obligations and cause damage to others' information, you may be subject to penalty under the "Act on Promotion of Information & Communication Network Utilization," etc.

Article 14: Receiving Suggestions and Handling Complaints

1) The Company has set up a channel through which you may submit your opinions and complaints regarding personal information protection. Suggestions or complaints related to personal information may be sent to the personal information officer or the personal information manager. Upon their receipt, the Company will promptly take measures and inform the sender of how the matter was handled. You may also file complaints with the privacy violation reporting center run by the government.

Article 15: Transmission of Advertising Content

1) The Company does not transmit advertising content for the purpose of profit generation that runs counter to your explicit refusal to receive such content.
2) The Company does not transmit advertising content on media which are inappropriate for minors (youths aged 19 years or younger).

Article 16: Chief Privacy Officer and Personal Data Protection Officer

1) The Company designates a Chief Information Security Officer and a Chief Privacy Officer to receive suggestions and handle complaints related to personal information. The Chief Information Security Officer and the Chief Privacy Officer are as follows.

[Chief Privacy Officer]
Name: Jeong Hoon Oh
Team: Information Security Team
E-mail: ventus@hankooktech.com

[Personal Data Protection Officer]
Name: Ji Hyung Lee
Team: Information Security Team
E-mail: ljhbajo@hankooktech.com

Article 17: Obligation of Notice

The current Privacy Policy was established on July 1, 2005. The Privacy Policy may be amended through the addition, deletion or revision of contents in accordance with changes in government policy, security technology or the Company's policy. Notification of such amendments will be given at least ten days in advance via the 'notice' column on the homepage.

Date of initial establishment of Privacy Policy: July 1, 2005
Date of initial implementation of Privacy Policy: July 29, 2005

Hankook Tire & Technology Co., Ltd. (the 'Company') prioritizes a user's personal information. This Privacy Policy complies with relevant laws such as Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection and Personal Information Protection Act. If the Company revises this Privacy Policy, it will provide its notice according to the method prescribed by the relevant laws and regulations.

Chapter 1: Scope for collection of personal information

1. The Company collects only the personal information of users listed in “Purpose of collection and use of personal information” in this Privacy Policy, and this is the minimum information necessary for the company to provide its service in a fair and lawful way. In addition, the Company will not deny your use of basic service because you do not provide for any optional item.
2. The Company in principle collects no sensitive personal information (information on ideology, belief, membership, withdrawal of labor union/political party, political views, health, sex life, place of birth and domicile, criminal record...) which is likely to significantly compromise a user's basic human rights. However, an exception shall be established when the law specifies the personal information to be collected or when there is consent from the user as it is necessary in direct connection with the provision of services.

Chapter 2: Purpose of collection and use of personal information

1. The Company shall process the minimum personal information of a user to provide quality service, and use the collected personal information for the following purposes:

Type Collected items Type of collection Purpose of collection Retention period
Website Misconduct Reporting Name Required Reporting and investigation to the Cyber Audit Office, notification of results... One year after completion of the closure of request

Chapter 3: Processing and retention period of personal information

1. The Company shall process the personal information within the period of retention and use of personal information agreed upon at the time of collecting personal information from the information subject in accordance with law, and destroy it without delay when the purpose of use is achieved.
2. The following information is retained for the specified period for the following reasons:
(1) Records on contract or subscription withdrawal...
- Basis for retention: Acts on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce...
- Retention period: 5 years
(2) Records on payment and supply of goods...
- Basis for retention: Acts on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce...
- Retention period: 5 years
(3) Records on consumer complaints or dispute handling
- Basis for retention: Acts on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce...
- Retention period: 3 years
(4) Visit history of website
- Basis for retention: Protection of Communication Secret Act
- Retention period: 3 months
(5) Records on indication and advertisement
- Basis for retention: Acts on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce...
- Retention period: 6 months

Chapter 4: Destruction procedure and method of personal information

1. In principle, the company shall destroy the relevant personal information without delay when the period of use has elapsed, or upon request for withdrawing membership or destroying information.
2. For any electronic files, the company shall delete the information using a technical method so that it cannot be recovered or reproduced, and have other records, printed materials, written documents shredded or destroyed by incineration.
3. Unless information and communication service are used for one year, the Company takes any necessary measure such as destroying personal information. However, if a separate period is set by the law or if a period is set differently at the request of the user, the Company takes any necessary measure such as destruction after the period has exceeded.

Chapter 5: Provision of personal information to third parties

1. The company shall not provide the personal information to any third parties without the user's prior consent.

Chapter 6: Consignment of processing personal information

1. The Company consigns the following personal information for smooth business performance, such as providing better service and customer convenience.
2. The Company does not provide the user's personal information to any other party unless the related service is used during the entrusted business.

Consignment company Consigned business tasks
Hankook Networks Co., Ltd. Computer system operation and maintenance
Concentrix Service Korea Website system development and operation management
DAOU Tech Providing an integrated management solution for open malls (tire order management for customers from open malls)

3. Overseas transfer of collected personal information. The company entrusts and stores some personal information to overseas companies for the purpose of providing the services and enhancing the user convenience.

Person to whom personal information is transferred (Name of trustee) Country to be transferred Date of transfer and Transfer method Purpose of using personal information (Details of entrusted business) Retention ∙ Period of use
Amazon Web Services, Inc Occasional transmission through the information and communication network of Korea Provide data storage and backup, system operation server Upon termination of the system maintenance and management contract between the company and [Amazon Web Services, Inc] or until membership withdrawal

In order to ensure the safety of personal information protection during consignment contracts, the Company clearly stipulates strict adherence to personal information protection instruction, prohibition of personal information, and liability for any accident, and keeps the contents of the contract in writing and electronically, and supervises whether the personal information is handled safely. If the Company is changed, the company shall notify the changed company name on the Privacy Policy page.

Chapter 7: Matters concerning the installation, operation, and refusal of automatic personal information collection device

The Company uses 'cookies' that store and retrieve user information from time to time to provide personalized and customized services to users. A cookie is a small text file where the server running the website sends to the user's browser, and is stored on the user's computer hard disk. The information collected by the Company through cookies is limited to the company ID, and no other information is collected.

1. Purpose of using cookies: Provide target marketing and personalized service through analysis of access frequency and visit time of members and non-members, identification of users' tastes and areas of interest, tracking traces, and identification of the degree of participation in various events and number of visits, Utilization of measures such as service reorganization, information on usage period when using paid services, posting on bulletin boards

(1) For further information on cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org/.
(2) Our website uses Google Analytics cookies. Information collected by Google Analytics cookies will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United states of America in accordance with its privacy practices. To see and overview of privacy at Google and how this applies to Google Analytics, visit https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/. You may opt out of tracking by Google Analytics by visiting https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl+en-GB.

2. How to reject cookie setting: A user has an option to install cookies. Therefore, the user can allow all cookies by setting options in his/her web browser, go through confirmation whenever a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies.
To learn more about the cookie settings for your browser, please select the links below:

Internet Explorer

Required web technologies and cookies make our website technically accessible to and usable for you.
This applies to fundamental base functionalities such as navigation on the website, correct display in your internet browser or requesting your consent.
Without these web technologies and cookies our website does not work.

(2) Analytics Cookies

We want to constantly improve the user-friendliness and performance of our websites.
For this reason we use analysis technologies (including cookies) which pseudonymously measure and evaluate which functions and content of our websites are used, how and how often.
On this basis we can improve our websites for users and only display the content of interest to the average user.

(3) Marketing Cookies

We use web technologies (also cookies) from selected partners in order to be able to show you content and advertising specially tailored to you on websites and social media sites. This content is selected and displayed on the basis of your usage behaviour to you across websites.

Chapter 8: Technical/Administrative measures for personal information protection

1. Technical measures
The company protects users' personal information safely through its security function in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and internal policy. The Company uses a vaccine program to take measures to prevent damage caused by computer viruses. Vaccine programs are regularly updated. In the event of a sudden virus appearance, we apply the vaccine as soon as it is released to prevent invasion of personal information. The Company encrypts a user's password to store and manage data, and adopts security devices that can safely transmit personal information on the network. In order to prevent leakage of your personal information by hacking, the Company uses a device that blocks intrusion from outside and monitors intrusion 24 hours a day X 365 days a year.

2. Administrative measures
The company strictly limits the employee handling personal information to those who perform personal information management tasks and those who are unavoidable to handle personal information for business purposes, and emphasizes their compliance with the Privacy Policy through regular training for employees in charge.

Chapter 9: Rights of users and legal representatives and how to exercise them

1. If a user requests correction of an error in personal information in writing, by phone, e-mail, and fax, no personal information will be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, if wrong personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will have the result of correction to be notified to the third party without any delay so that the correction can be made.
2. With the consent of the user, you may request to view or provide the transaction information you hold. In this case, the Company shall take necessary measures to ensure that you can view it without a delay.
3. For children under the age of 14, the legal representative has the right to view or modify the child's personal information, and the right to withdraw consent to collection and use.
4. You can request access to personal information in accordance with Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act, and the Company shall make efforts to promptly process users' requests for access to personal information.

Chapter 10: Person in charge of personal information protection and consultation/report

1. In order to protect users' personal information and handle complaints related to it, the Company appoints a person in charge of protecting the personal information. If you have any questions regarding your personal information, please contact the person in charge of protecting the personal information or the relevant department below.

[Personal Data Protection Officer]

Name: Koh Myoung Soo
Team: Information Security Team
E-mail: privacy@hankookn.com

Chapter 11: Changes to Privacy Policy

1. This Privacy Policy is effective as of 17/10/2023.
2. If the Company changes this privacy policy, we will notify the reason and details of the change in advance on the notice section of the website.